Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lost Secrets to Riches Revealed

One of the most inspirational and life-changing books I have every read is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Never has there been a book written like it. It is the foundation of almost every modern day self help books today...It contains the secret to creating Success.

The secret was brought to Napoleon Hill by Andrew Carnegie, more than a quarter a century ago. Andrew Carnegie is known for having built one of the most powerful and influential corporations in United States history, U.S. Steel, and, later in his life, giving away most of his riches to fund the establishment of many libraries, schools, and universities in Scotland, America and worldwide.

Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to interview all top successful business men of the time to determine their formula for success. Napoleon Hill interviewed the likes of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham Bell and hundreds of others. It took over 20 years for him to complete his research.

His writings became the world's first comprehensive philosophy of personal achievement.

In the first chapter he writes " Your progress towards success begins with a fundamental question, Where are you Going? Definitiveness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement..."

The starting point of all human achievement is the development of a Definite Major Purpose. Without a definite major purpose, you are as helpless as a ship without a compass. That is why I named this Blog Definite Purpose. It is my starting point.

If you have not read Napoleon Hill's work, I highly recommend you pick up a copy.

I would love to hear what some of your Definite Purposes are?

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